FiBreMoD network wide event at BAM in Berlin
FiBreMoD network wide event at BAM in Berlin
On October 4-6 the FiBreMoD researchers were reunited once again for the network wide event consisting of the regular consortium meeting and the training unit for early stage researchers.
The project officially started in October 2016 and now, a year later, in the first consortium meeting the researchers presented their recent research results and contributions to each of the work packages.
On the second day, the steering committee discussed the overall progress and management of the project while the ESRs had their first training day, with workshops on communication skills and gender equality. The third and last day was dedicated to a workshop on “Statistical safety assessment of composite parts”.
In the end, everyone was happy with the progress of the project and the ESRs found the training workshops very useful. In the last few months, the ESRs started having their first secondments at the partners institutes. We look forward to see how the work progresses with the interactions between researchers and to our next network wide event scheduled for April 2018, at Siemens Industry Software NV in Leuven.