Successful FiBreMoD kickoff week
Successful FiBreMoD kickoff week
The FiBreMoD kickoff week has just ended and was very successful. We had 30 people present from 11 different partners, and our researchers met each other for the first time.
The FiBreMoD-project has officially started in October 2016, and we just had our kick-off week this week. Researchers and supervisors from all our partners were present for the first two days for the consortium meeting. The goals and ideas for the different work packages were discussed and management issues were agreed upon. Days 3-5 were scheduled for the researchers with workshops on safety in the labs, digital image correlation, intellectual property and knowledge transfer, research ethics, time and priority management and career planning. A special thanks to our trainers, Gunther Wuytens, Annemie Geeraerd and Stefan Wellens.
Our next consortium meeting is planned for October 2017, at the premises of BAM in Berlin. In the meantime, the FiBreMoD researchers have a busy schedule, with training units at 4RealSim, ACRATS training services, Southampton and Dia-stron Ltd.