We're back with the blog entries!

We're back with the blog entries!

Martinus Widjaja

After a long break in the blog entries, here we are again with a little more about Martin.

  • How is it living in a different country?

It was like an adventure, at least for me. Now, I have a better perspective on how to perceive problems as I have been living in Belgium, France and in Germany (for the next 3 years). Of course, there are some differences between these countries, but still it is a lesson that you cannot get anywhere besides living on it.

  • What motivated you to be in the FiBreMoD project?

The international experience is the main reason that I like about this project. It will broaden my mind, my perspective and open so many possibilities for our future. Also, I got interested in composite after finishing my master here in EU from Erasmus Mundus Course, and then it is a chance for me to learn more of it. Last but not least, to live and work in Germany is also in my bucket lists, so yeah, thanks to European Union who funded this project.

  • What are your thoughts and first impressions about the whole FiBreMoD project?

It is like wandering inside an unrecognized territory for me. I learned some material science, but it is not my primary subject. Thus I was quite afraid of not performing well enough. However, I believe with the provided training, discussion within the group and guidance from our supervisor, I can survive this journey. Nonetheless, it is worth to be mentioned that it is a well-designed project.

  • Any dream for your future you would like to share?

Well, I’d like to drive a Porsche one day, haha.

  • If you could have a superpower, what would it be and why?

Teleportation. Just so we can easily travel and see the world. Wouldn’t you say so? J